Climate change & pollution are not only an environmental problem, but also a fundamental economic and social issue posing various risks to businesses. By integrating climate change issues into our business strategy, Salcon aims to minimize the impact to the environment through best environmental operating practices and reducing carbon emissions. Salcon tracks and discloses its environmental impacts, including emissions in its Integrated Annual Report. Emission calculation is based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) carbon calculator and covers 100% of the Company’s scope 1 & 2 operation.

Our Key Commitments

Key Commitments Salcon’s Key Approaches
Conserving water
  • Water saving and increase water efficiency in all of our business activities
  • Engage the public to raise awareness on water conservation
Minimising pollution and maximising resource efficiency
  • Ensure proper disposal of scheduled waste in compliance with environmental law and regulation
  • Ensure construction wastes disposed at authorised landfills that are licensed by the Local Authority
  • Ensure 100% compliance within approved ranges as determined by Malaysia’s Department of Environment (DOE) at our project sites to prevent air and noise pollution
Contributing to climate action
  • Pledge to halve emissions by 2030 and to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
  • Reducing carbon footprint through resource efficiency
  • Collaborating with external organisations on climate action
  • Minimise energy consumption across business operation
  • Improve energy efficiency
Preserving biodiversity
  • To apply biodiversity conservation practices within controllable area to reduce loss of biodiversity

Our Targets

Energy Consumption

To reduce Group energy consumption intensity by 50% per unit basis by 2026.

Water Consumption

To reduce Group water consumption intensity by 10% per unit basis by 2026.

Carbon Intensity

To reduce Group’s carbon emission intensity by 50% per unit basis by 2030 and achieve Net Zero carbon emission by 2050

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

We voluntarily disclose our climate-related financial disclosures in four key pillars as recommended by the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) starting in 2019. The TCFD was launched to help companies understand, measure and respond to climate change risks and opportunities. Whilst we have the building blocks in place to implement the TCFD recommendations into our existing management processes, we recognize that there are areas we need to strengthen specifically in terms of our strategy and disclosure on metrics and targets.

Core Elements Salcon’s Key Approaches
  • Salcon’s board-level has oversight of the Group’s climate-related risks and opportunities. The Board is updated on the Group’s sustainability strategy and initiatives at least once a year and approves the Sustainability Statement which provides comprehensive disclosures on the company’s environmental and climate change agenda.
  • Adopted Environmental & Climate Change as a key material issue by Sustainability Working Group (SWG) and validated by the Sustainability Committee
  • Embarked on Climate Change Scenario Planning.
  • Launched the Salcon Green Policy in 2016 to further enhance our environmental sustainability efforts in key focus areas. The policy elaborates our commitments in different areas in reducing carbon footprint and pollutions. 
  • In order to ensure the sustainability of our precious water resources, the approaches in managing water is detailed in our Water Management Plan.
Risk Management
  • Environment and climate change risks are identified as strategic business risks and embedded into Salcon’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.
  • Beyond managing climate-related risks and opportunities under the ERM framework, we also manage operational issues pertaining to climate change, energy, water and raw material supply through the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
Metrics and Targets
  • Continue to track and monitor a number of climate related metrics including 3-year energy consumption intensity, water consumption intensity & carbon intensity.
  • Disclosure of carbon intensity including Scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emission in sustainability statement.