OUR Global benchmarking

Over the year, we prudently manage the impact of our business and strive to adopt best sustainability practices by measuring our performance against global benchmarking index guidelines such as FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index, Global Reporting Initiative (GR) Standards and AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standards. Besides that, we align our sustainability initiatives with the UNGC 10 principles to increase value for ourselves and our stakeholders. 

FTSE4Good is a responsible investment index designed to help investors identify companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards.  These indices are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.

Salcon is proud to be the constituent of the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index awarded by FTSE Russell for consecutive 8 years since 2015. We have been independently assessed by the FTSE Russell and successfully met stringent environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards and are positioned to capitalise on the benefits of responsible business practice.

Salcon is honoured for this achievement which reflects our diligence in adhering to good ESG practises throughout the years. 

For more information about FTSE4Good, 
visit http://ftserussell.com

As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Salcon Berhad is committed to living up to the Compact’s 10 principles in four areas (human rights, labour standards, environment and anti- corruption) and strives to integrate them throughout our business operations via various engagement methods, strategies and initiatives.

We also participate in UNGC’s events to keep abreast with the current issues and have recently participated in the Global Compact Malaysia Networking Session event organized by Global Compact Network Malaysia.

We aim to fully embedding sustainability as part of Salcon’s DNA and embracing new perspective to pursue sustainability goal in a long term basis. With this, we make continuous progress on our sustainability endeavours while reinforcing our best operating practices and corporate governance in all areas we operated in, as well as enforcing our sustainability initiatives as below:

The member states of the United Nations have adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be accomplished by 2030 in relation to the issues needing to be addressed on a global scale. Salcon supports the SDGs by upholding recognized standards and principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. In assessing and prioritizing our contribution to the SDG goals through the principled prioritization process, the following is taken into consideration:

A. Risks to people and the environment:

The contribution we can make to achieving the SDGs by meeting our responsibility to address potential and actual negative impacts to people and the environment that are linked to our operations and value hains;

B. Beneficial SDG-related products, services and investments:

The additional contribution that companies can make to achieving the SDGs by applying their knowledge, skills and other capabilities to benefit people and the environment.

Based on the above, Salcon has identified 11 SDGs which are in alignment with our business strategy, business operations and our material issues.

Primary SDG
Secondary SDG
Good health and well-being for people
Good health and well-being for people

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Quality education
Quality education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Gender equality
Gender equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Clean water and sanitation
Clean water and sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Decent work and economic growth
Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.

Reducing inequalities
Reducing inequalities

Reduce income inequality within and among countries.

Sustainable cities and communities
Sustainable cities and communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

Responsible consumption and production
Responsible consumption and production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Peace, justice and strong institutions
Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Partnerships for the goals
Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

The Global Goals
The Global Goals

Corporate Governance & Our Sustainability Initiatives

We aim to fully embed sustainability as part of Salcon’s DNA and embrace new perspectives to pursue our sustainability goal on long term basis. We aim to make continuous progress on our sustainability endeavours while reinforcing our best operating practices and corporate governance in all areas we operate in through various initiatives as below.